Canopy is the design and illustration studio of Matt Anderson and Alex Pasquarella.

Fandom: Dark Fairytales

Fandom: Dark Fairy Tales

Client: Wikia / Fandom  |  Category: Illustration, Editorial

A series of illustrations made for Fandom that highlight the disturbing folklore and historical truth behind some of the most widely known fairy tales.

Fandom - Dark fairy tale illustrations by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Dark fairy tale illustrations by Canopy Design and Illustration

The Pied Piper

This dark scene depicts the Piper leading the children of his town into a river as revenge for not being paid for helping rid the area rats.

Fandom - Pied Piper fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Pied Piper fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Little Red Riding Hood

This scene is a foreboding one that shows a dark woodland landscape during a quiet moment before Little Red is eaten by the wolf.

Fandom - Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Hansel & Gretel

This illustration shows the oven of the cannibal-witch being used on an unlucky soul shortly before the young siblings make it to her cabin.

Fandom - Hansel and Gretel fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Hansel and Gretel fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration


A dark version of this tale describes Cinderella's cruel sisters having their eyes pecked out by a dove as punishment for their actions.

Fandom - Cinderella fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Cinderella fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Snow White

In this piece we focused on the iconic elements like the witch, the poisoned apple and the magic mirror.

Fandom - Snow White fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Snow White fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

The Three Little Pigs

Our version of this tale shows the evil wolf looking on from behind the only remaining house as the other two remain shambles and smoke.

Fandom - Three Little Pigs fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - Three Little Pigs fairy tale illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - The End illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration

Fandom - The End illustration by Canopy Design and Illustration